Upzone Rich Neighborhoods
Neighborhood Plan
Richmond, Virginia
America's housing crisis is a topic of constant discussion, yet few believe that we are doing enough to combat it. One obstacle to action is that problem is often considered in the context of rapidly developing urban districts, rather than in placid suburbs where unused (but not exactly vacant) land sits idly. The capacity for change at the metropolitan level will be extremely limited if only middle and low-income urban districts are expected to densify.
This proposal posits the opposite: that rich neighborhoods should be aggressively up-zoned to allow for intensive development at both subsidized and market rates. Releasing this valve is not only a way to more equitably distribute the pressures of urban development. It is also a means by which the country's many inner-ring suburban districts can be transformed to accommodate new, more environmentally sound and aesthetically pleasing ways of life.
Windsor Farms, a wealthy inner-ring suburb of Richmond, Virginia, is considered in the illustrations shown here.
アメリカの住宅危機は常に議論されているが、私たちがその問題と戦うために十分な努力をしていると考える人はほとんどいない。行動の障害の 1 つは、この問題が、使われていない (ただし完全に空き地ではない) 土地が放置されている穏やかな郊外ではなく、急速に発展している都市地区の文脈で検討されることが多いことである。中低所得の都市地区のみが密集すると予想される場合、大都市レベルでの変化の可能性は極めて限られる。
ここに示すイラストでは、バージニア州リッチモンドの裕福な内環状郊外であるウィンザー ファームズが取り上げられている