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Don O'Keefe | ドン・オキーフ

Principal Architect, AIA AIJ

主任建築家, アメリカ建築家協会, 日本建築学会

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CV, work samples, & references provided upon request

履歴書, 作品サンプル, 推薦状はリクエストに応じて提供されます

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photo: Ricardo Ruiz 


Don O’Keefe is the principal architect of O'Keefe, a design practice in New York City, Tokyo, and Richmond, Virginia. He is a registered architect in New York and Virginia, and a member of the American Institute of Architects, the Architectural Institute of Japan, the American Planning Association, and the U.S. National Book Critics Circle.

Projects completed by the office include a gallery in New York City, renovation of a unit in the Nakagin Capsule Tower, a cabin in Virginia, a flat-pack plywood furniture set, and various interior projects in Japan and the US. Ongoing projects include a residential renovation in Tokyo, the conversion of a historic Japanese folk house, a community revitalization plan in Aomori prefecture, and an urban infill and transportation scheme for Richmond.

Prior to starting his office, O'Keefe worked in design firms in the US and Japan on projects in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. At Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop in Tokyo, he focused on the design, fabrication, and construction of engineered wood buildings. As part of Professor Hiroto Kobayashi’s research lab at Keio University, he contributed to disaster relief architecture projects in Japan, Nepal, and the Philippines. In 2017, he conducted workshops on the applications of prefabrication with wood at the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan. 


He later practiced with design-build architect Peter Gluck in New York City, contributing to the design and construction of a 300,000 ft² film production studio in Queens, New York, among other projects.

O’Keefe’s writing has been published in venues including the Architectural Review and the Japan Times. He contributed a chapter to the recent book Sharing Tokyo (Actar Press, 2023), and served as the Director of Design Research for the publication. He co-authored a chapter in Digital Wood Design: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design published by Springer (2019). He was an associate editor of Adapting Miami, a research report on climate, sea level rise, and housing issues in South Florida, published by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2020). 

From 2021 to 2022, O’Keefe served as an assistant professor at Keio University in Tokyo, helping to launch the Fumihiko Maki Archive, a research center dedicated to the work of a Pritzker Prize-winning architect. In 2021, he was appointed a post-graduate teaching and research associate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He has served as a guest critic and lecturer at institutions including the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Bahá’í Institute of Higher Education, Harvard University, Hosei University, Meiji University, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Tokyo Women’s Christian University, University of North Carolina, University of Melbourne, Kyoto Institute of Technology, and the Branch Museum of Design. As a consultant, he has advised corporations and government agencies including CoStar Group, Mitsubishi Estate, and the City of Yokohama.


O'Keefe's research on mid-20th century Japanese urban design has been supported by Harvard's Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Takenaka Corporation, the Keio University Fumihiko Maki Archive, and others. He has contributed to research projects on climate change, migration, and urban development with professors Joan Busquets, Stephen Gray, and Jesse Keenan whose findings have been published by the New York Times, NBC, Newsweek, Reuters, Mother Jones and other venues.


O'Keefe holds a Master in Architecture with distinction from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design where he was awarded the Gregory S. Baldwin Fellowship. He earned a B.S. magna cum laude from the Department of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning at Virginia Commonwealth University. He was born and raised in Richmond and enjoys walking.


ドン・オキーフは、ニューヨーク市、東京、バージニア州リッチモンドに拠点を置くデザイン事務所 O'Keefe の主任建築家です。ニューヨークとバージニア州の登録建築家であり、アメリカ建築家協会、日本建築学会、アメリカ計画協会、全米図書評家協会の会員です。




オキーフの著作は、Architectural ReviewやJapan Timesなどの媒体に掲載されている。最近出版された書籍「Sharing Tokyo」(Actar Press、2023年)に1章を寄稿し、同書のデザインリサーチディレクターを務めた。彼は、Springer(2019年)が発行した「デジタルウッドデザイン:建築デザインにおける革新的な表現手法」の共著者です。彼は、ハーバード大学デザイン大学院が発行した南フロリダの気候、海面上昇、住宅問題に関する研究レポート「Adapting Miami」(2020年)の副編集者でした。

2021年から2022年まで、オキーフは東京の慶應義塾大学で助教を務め、プリツカー賞を受賞した建築家の作品に特化した研究センターである槇文彦アーカイブの立ち上げに貢献しました。2021年には、ハーバード大学デザイン大学院の大学院教育研究員に任命されました。彼はメンドリシオ建築アカデミー、バハイ高等教育研究所、ハーバード大学、法政大学、明治大学、ロードアイランドデザインスクール(RISD)、東京女子大学、ノースカロライナ大学、メルボルン大学、京都工芸繊維大学、ブランチデザイン美術館などの機関で客員評論家や講師を務めてきました。コンサルタントとして、CoStar Group、三菱地所、横浜市などの企業や政府機関に助言してきました。



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